Save Azpyn’s Eye and Eyesight
by Tina Venning
Campaign has ended
Yes Hello My name is Tina and My Kittens name is Azpyn(Aspen).. we visited the online Vet this Morning through The Kin and seen Dr. Wells.. they informed me that Azpyn needs emergency medical treatment in order to save his eyesight. We are not sure as to what caused the injury. He was home alone yesterday which was Christmas Day and this morning woke up with both eyes matted shut and swollen. He won’t even open his right eye. And he keep’s pawing at it.. he clearly exhibits pain in his right eye. He won’t let anyone touch it and he keeps hiding his head in his lap with tail over his eyes to comfort himself…He will not eat or move from around my wife or I due to the fact he can’t see where he is going…Dr. Wells then went on to explain if he Durant get treatment he may very well lose his eyesight in his right eye. Please help as i feel horrible enough leaving him alone all day yesterday for this to happen. Thank you in advance.
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