

Piston needs emergency jaw surgery

by jyanna brideau




Campaign has ended


On Friday March 15, 2024 I left for work leaving my two dogs at my house free roaming like I always have since August when I lost Piston's mom Lady Rose.  This time when I got home from work both the dogs somehow accidentally locked themselves in the bathroom. Piston a little 8 pound dog was in the corner and there was blood on the floor and all over him. He was alert, his eyes were open and his tail was wagging with his jaw to the side. We immediately brought Piston to Manchester Animal Hospital and he had x-rays done to show he has Mandibular Fracture and few small fractures on the side of his jaw. We were told they couldn't do anything for him.  We then brought him to Angell Memorial in Boston, MA after finding out he was going to need dentistry surgery. We got there around 11pm Friday night. They took him to the examining room to exam him and give him some pain medication and antibiotics. The doctor brought us in the room around 3:30 to tell us that Piston needs extensive surgery. We agreed to the surgery and they gave us the estimate. Due to hospital policy they would not be able to treat him and told us to keep him because I was unable to pay the low end of the estimate that night which was $8,584.48. They gave me pain medication and antibiotics to distribute at home. The medication is a liquid form that I distribute orally. Over the weekend I have explored numerous options to come up with the the money but as many of us know these are difficult times.  Although I really don't like asking for help, I've conquered many challenges over the years, I just can't come up with a solution on my own.  That is why I'm asking for the support and prayers of fellow pet owners in order to come up with the money for Piston's surgery.   I would really appreciate any help people can give in order to help my little man get the surgery to fix his jaw. 

How would you like to support?

