Support Big Munchie
by Sydnee Foley
Hello, my name’s Sydnee and this is my cat Aiden (aka Big Munchie). A few weeks ago he acquired this itchy rash on his belly so I took him to the vet and he got a few shots to try to help it. That took care of the itching aspect but now all of a sudden the rash has spread and gotten bigger, and his whole tummy is red. During his recent wellness visit, I pointed it out to the vet and she discovered several large masses under the skin on his tummy now as well and told me it may be skin lymphoma, which is cancerous and fast-acting! She wants to do a biopsy with sedation to figure it out, but I can’t afford to pay all of it. There are alternative medicine plans, but that is just a wild guessing game to throw random medicine at him to try to figure out what it is that way, which isn’t even guaranteed and just loses precious time when I could get a faster diagnosis to start him on whatever treatment he may need. Almost all of the symptoms on the internet match up and are pointing to it being this. I’m so upset I just cannot catch a break lately in life. Anything at all would be greatly appreciated. I just want to get to the bottom of this and help my little guy get better.
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