Hey family & friends! I know many of you are always looking for great causes to give to mA so I’d like to bring your awareness to a local one that I believe in and know helps changes lives. I hope you’ll support my fundraiser sustain the important work of Jabalu Nur Foundation. Some examples of services provided are their women’s shelters for women at risk of of experiencing homelessness, summer food program for children and assisting those who need help covering basic expenses like rent and bills.
You can support the life changing services provided by Jabalu Nur by giving only $31 once every three months! My minimum goal is to get 10 people to sign up for this commitment but inshaAllah please pass the link on as I certainly would love to raise even more.
Please read more about their services on their website. May Allah increase and reward you and your Families inshaallah!
The 100 Club is designed to give regular funding to the Jabalu-Nur Foundation, which in turn, provides support for all programs inclusive of meal distribution programs, emergency assistance programs, family enrichment activities, events, educational programs, and the shared housing program.
We encourage 100 members to donate $100 and collect $100 from nine others totaling $1000 once per year at a specific time and date and submit it to Jabalu-Nur Foundation.