Jabalu-Nur Foundation is a nonprofit service oriented organization who provides services and programs for women, children, and their families, that they may be uplifted.
The nonprofit not only provides many avenues for sisterhood and family bonding, it feeds hundreds of people per month, educates hundreds of people who would otherwise not have a school, and provides emergency assistance for rent, utilities, medical and other necessary help.
Find out more at Jabalunurfoundation.com and please join The 100 Club (donate $31/month for 3 months or $100 per year).
Thank you kindly and may Allah Almighty grant you the highest paradise for your contribution Aameen.
The 100 Club is designed to give regular funding to the Jabalu-Nur Foundation, which in turn, provides support for all programs inclusive of meal distribution programs, emergency assistance programs, family enrichment activities, events, educational programs, and the shared housing program.
We encourage 100 members to donate $100 and collect $100 from nine others totaling $1000 once per year at a specific time and date and submit it to Jabalu-Nur Foundation.