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Janet's fundraiser for Uhuru Wa Kulea Health Center

by Janet Van Fleet




The African People’s Education and Defense Fund, org of my dreams, is building the Uhuru Wa Kulea ('Freedom to Nurture') Women's Health Center in St Louis, and numerous other life-honoring projects.  This organization is one of very few (EPIC in Seattle is another, and unrelated) that is working-class black people determining and working on their own needs, not assimilating to get by with white culture's ways, and inviting white people to participate under (and only under) organized black workers' leadership. 

   When I get a chance to hear the anger and analysis of poor black people on the conditions of their lives and power over their lives, and what does NOT help and is NOT welcome, I am uncomfortable, enlightened, and changed.  That's why the APEDF and the Uhuru Movement are so valuable. 

   Come check out Uhuru Wa Kulea!  Read on...

Each year, the number of babies that die during childbirth in St. Louis could populate 15 kindergarten classrooms. We are fighting to take back our power over our own communities and resources including the futures of our children.

We are embarking on Phase Five of the Black Power Blueprint, to create a Black-led wellness education center to empower Black women and girls in caring for our physical, mental and emotional wellness. The vision is to provide health and self-care programs that reinforce our traditional African culture, and invest in the future of our community with doula and childbirth educator certification programs along with opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.

We have long recognized that our community has the capacity to solve our own problems through self-reliance projects driven by the needs of the community, rather than having solutions imposed on us. We create programs that empower the people from the ground up to create lasting change. The Uhuru Wa Kulea Health Center will be a much needed respite for our community. It will empower us in taking charge of our health and well-being.

The Uhuru Wa Kulea African Women's Health Center is part of the Black Power Blueprint, an initiative of the African People's Education and Defense Fund and Black Star Industries.

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