Virginia's "Adoption Day" Fundraiser for Black Power Blueprint!
by Virginia Wilson
Campaign has ended
Give to support the Uhuru Wa Kulea African Women's Health Center!
In late July of 1966, on my adoptive father's 30th birthday, our parents adopted my twin sister and me when we were six months old! Dad always said we were the best presents he ever received. My father passed away five years ago in July, and left a legacy of love behind him. Each year, I wish to remember my Dad by hosting an "Adoption Day" fundraiser to support the programs of Black Power Blueprint. Although my Dad and I did not always see eye-to-eye, he instilled in us a sense of compassion for others and an urgency to help those in need, one reason why my Mom and our whole family remember him with love.
Right now, the Black community is facing colonial conditions that threaten the lives of mothers and children. Infant mortality in the Black community is more than three times that of white infant deaths. Each year, the number of babies that die during childbirth in St. Louis could populate 15 kindergarten classrooms.
We can help overturn this aspect of colonialism by supporting the Black self-determination projects of Black Power Blueprint, which is building the Uhuru Wa Kulea African Woman's Health Center in St. Louis! White people can show our material solidarity with Black Power and African liberation by supporting this worthy cause, which will uplift the entire community.
Studies have shown that just the presence of a black health practitioner including a nurse, midwife or doula cuts the infant mortality rate in half!
I hope you will help me raise funds for Uhuru Wa Kulea, as I remember the lessons taught to me by my Dad: we must do what we can to help others and support worthy causes that will transform our world.
Each year, the number of babies that die during childbirth in St. Louis could populate 15 kindergarten classrooms. We are fighting to take back our power over our own communities and resources including the futures of our children.
We are embarking on Phase Five of the Black Power Blueprint, to create a Black-led wellness education center to empower Black women and girls in caring for our physical, mental and emotional wellness. The vision is to provide health and self-care programs that reinforce our traditional African culture, and invest in the future of our community with doula and childbirth educator certification programs along with opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.
We have long recognized that our community has the capacity to solve our own problems through self-reliance projects driven by the needs of the community, rather than having solutions imposed on us. We create programs that empower the people from the ground up to create lasting change. The Uhuru Wa Kulea Health Center will be a much needed respite for our community. It will empower us in taking charge of our health and well-being.
The Uhuru Wa Kulea African Women's Health Center is part of the Black Power Blueprint, an initiative of the African People's Education and Defense Fund and Black Star Industries.
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