

Sarah Ritterspach




Campaign has ended


Being a member of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement represents my life's work. Even some of my earliest memories resemble searching for reasons why we live in a world with such gross disparities and unconscionable inequality. In my adult life I've worked for leftist politicians, volunteered with well-meaning non-profits, interned overseas and even obtained a Master's Degree seeking explanations and resolution. Yet the only answers that make sense have come from what I've learned through USM.

Under the leadership of the African People's Socialist Party, USM provides a scientific theory for our unjust ways of life, as well as a scientific solution that will result in a world without oppressed peoples, the need for charity, or a poverty line. For me, striving for this humanity is unequivocally paramount to all other work.

If you would consider buying me a gift, lunch, coffee--or even simply wishing me a happy birthday--please instead pay reparations here by supporting the Uhuru Wa Kulea African Women's Health Center. By doing so, you are helping to put power back into the hands of the black working class, power where our current systems are designed to fail them. You are contributing to their human right of self-determination and freedom from the colonial capitalism that keeps them oppressed. Until they are free, none of us are free.

To learn more about this project and the other economic independence projects of the Black Power Blueprint, visit the sites below.

Each year, the number of babies that die during childbirth in St. Louis could populate 15 kindergarten classrooms. We are fighting to take back our power over our own communities and resources including the futures of our children.

We are embarking on Phase Five of the Black Power Blueprint, to create a Black-led wellness education center to empower Black women and girls in caring for our physical, mental and emotional wellness. The vision is to provide health and self-care programs that reinforce our traditional African culture, and invest in the future of our community with doula and childbirth educator certification programs along with opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.

We have long recognized that our community has the capacity to solve our own problems through self-reliance projects driven by the needs of the community, rather than having solutions imposed on us. We create programs that empower the people from the ground up to create lasting change. The Uhuru Wa Kulea Health Center will be a much needed respite for our community. It will empower us in taking charge of our health and well-being.

The Uhuru Wa Kulea African Women's Health Center is part of the Black Power Blueprint, an initiative of the African People's Education and Defense Fund and Black Star Industries.

How would you like to support?

