Team MIP 10k for $10K Tribute Run
by Tribute Run
Campaign has ended
The MIP Tribute Run allows donors to sponsor the Team MIP 10k for $10K in honor or in memory of someone who has had a significant influence on their lives, someone who they would like to recognize through a public donation to help RACE support for Mission IsPossible. When making your Tribute donation, in the comments section provided, please let the MIP family know who you are honoring or memorializing with your donation, and any special story you'd like to share about this significant person in your life. You also have the option of denoting your donation as a "tribute" during checkout, which will allow MIP to share acknowledgment of your donation by e-card with whomever you'd like to share the tribute. To make your donation online, scroll down to the "Support Your MIP Runner" donation tab! Thank you for helping make this mission possible through your generous tribute.