

Morgan Goes the Distance

by Morgan McKeon




Campaign has ended


After 17 years of riding horses and having to make the difficult decision to sell my horse, I realized that I still need something to work on, to train for, to push my physical self in order to maintain my mental self. In comes running. Through being inspired by a close friend, I'm pushing myself to do what few in the world willingly will... runDisney. 48.6miles of running in just 4 days. Crazy? Maybe.

As someone with an incurable disease, Type 1 Diabetes, I thought that the best way to participate would be to partner with a charity who's goal is to find a cure for a disease that limit's people's ability to go the distance, do what they want to do, pursue their passions. We are not limited by our disease, but encouraged by what we can do in spite of it.

Can I go the distance? You never know how far you'll go - unless you decide when your life will begin.

JAR of Hope is running its 7th consecutive runDisney Marathon Weekend. We are running this event bc Jamesy and 11 other boys are going to be in a clinical trial at the University of Florida. Yes, this is going to be the first of its kind Stem Cell Clinical Trial to see if we can improve the quality of life. We want to make a HUEG IMPACT in this disease. No child has ever survived Duchenne. Its been 200 years and we need to change that! Thanks to everyone on this team this year we are going to do just that! 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining this team and giving me the opportunity to help save my son's life and other people alike. 


Warmest regards, 

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