

Ashley McFadden Fight for a cure for DMD- Dopey challenge

by Ashley McFadden




In 2020, I was diagnosed with Covid and fought for my own life.  I have struggled for 2 1/2 years just to be able to function daily and keep up with daily routines with my kids.  Doctors have labeled me as a long hauler and have said I may never run again. I have promised my family I will not let this stop me!!  This year for my 40th year of life I have decided to join a team because together we can be stronger! I have joined an amazing team,  JAR of Hope to help to find a cure for DMD. If you can, please help me to fight for others!!

JAR of Hope is running its 7th consecutive runDisney Marathon Weekend. We are running this event bc Jamesy and 11 other boys are going to be in a clinical trial at the University of Florida. Yes, this is going to be the first of its kind Stem Cell Clinical Trial to see if we can improve the quality of life. We want to make a HUEG IMPACT in this disease. No child has ever survived Duchenne. Its been 200 years and we need to change that! Thanks to everyone on this team this year we are going to do just that! 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining this team and giving me the opportunity to help save my son's life and other people alike. 


Warmest regards, 

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