

Jar of Hope

by Heather Soucy




Campaign has ended


Please join me as I run the Walt Disney Half Marathon for Jar of Hope, a nonprofit organization supporting research to find a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)!

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a rare and fatal genetic disorder caused by a mutation of the dystrophin gene that results in severe muscle loss. DMD sadly leaves most children wheelchair bound by their teen years and can cause many other health complications.

As a nurse, I have seen first-hand the devastating impacts of muscular dystrophy on children's health. I have volunteered with the Muscular Dystrophy Association at their MDA Summer Camp hosted in Maine where I was able to get to know a handful of children with DMD as well as other rare muscular dystrophy disorders. To say that I admire the fortitude of these children and their families is an absolute understatement. Please join me in supporting them!

To learn more, read below:

About | JAR of Hope 

 Summer Camp | Muscular Dystrophy Association (

JAR of Hope is running its 7th consecutive runDisney Marathon Weekend. We are running this event bc Jamesy and 11 other boys are going to be in a clinical trial at the University of Florida. Yes, this is going to be the first of its kind Stem Cell Clinical Trial to see if we can improve the quality of life. We want to make a HUEG IMPACT in this disease. No child has ever survived Duchenne. Its been 200 years and we need to change that! Thanks to everyone on this team this year we are going to do just that! 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining this team and giving me the opportunity to help save my son's life and other people alike. 


Warmest regards, 

How would you like to support?

