How would you like to support?
Hi, my name is Mariana & I have been a part of TFKC for over 7 years. My first year as a counselor was life-changing. Putting a face and story to the statistics you hear about foster children opened my eyes to this world & started the motions that lead to me being a foster mom. TFKC allows children who are used to be treated differently to drop the label "foster" and truly be just a child for a week. To trade case managers for fishing with friends & trade court hearings for arts & crafts and swimming and cake and all the things a child should get to experience. We are 100% donation based and $600 will send one child to camp. Please consider supporting us!
Please consider providing a week or day of camp to a foster child. Donations can be spread over 12 months. Click the "Monthly" Donation Frequency and $50 (week of camp) or $10 (day of camp).
$600 - Provides a Week of Camp for 1 Child
$120 - Provides a Day of Camp for 1 Child
$25 - Provides a Day of Meals for 1 Child