Vote Katie McClure for People's Choice!
by Teen Texarkana - Katie McClure
Campaign has ended
Agriculture has shaped me to be the person I am today. Being raised on a farm means everyday life looks very different than most teenagers. The work ethic that I have has enabled me to be successful in many areas of my life such as making all A Honor roll, dancing competitively, playing school sports and cheerleading for my school. Often my days start before the sun comes up and end well after the sun goes down. If you can't find me, then you should probably check the barn! Through the Miss Texas organization I encourage other girls to get involved and become leaders in agriculture. You don’t have to live on a farm, the beauty of agriculture is all around us! Thank you so much for your vote for people’s choice!
$1 per vote! Top 2 winners will compete as a Semi-Finalist (Top 12)! Voting ends on Thursday, June 29th at midnight!
We are grateful for your donation and support to Miss Texas Scholarship Organization.
Donations are nonrefundable and if you have made an error in making your donation please contact the Miss Texas office at 214-549-2003.