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Sharon Rose




Campaign has ended


I am one of the founders of Oakland Serves (OS) and I wear several hats, including Program Director and trainer of mentors. Our mentors are dedicated members of the community who are skilled at helping students who are facing the most challenges get back on track in math, English and history (and most recently senior projects). Word gets around. Last school year and the beginning of this one have seen a qualitative increase in the number of school staff asking for our help. In order to meet that growing demand, we have to grow qualitatively as well. Right now we can afford to employ the equivalent of only one half time person. That has to change. And we also  need to raise enough funds to hire an executive director. We are working on applying for grants, but in the immediate term, we are relying on individual donors to keep us going. Please give what you can. Thank you, and I would be happy to speak with anyone wanting to learn more about our work.

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