Annery Carmona
Hey everyone!
I’ve had the privilege to serve Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps as a volunteer EMT over the course of the last 2 years, responding to all kinds of emergency medical calls within the township. Through the tireless work of our selfless volunteers and the endless support from our community, we have been able to provide emergency medical aid 24/7 free of charge for nearly 85 years! TVAC not only serves as an emergency medical service, but has served me over the years as an essential learning center, offering the opportunity to develop and strengthen life saving skills within the pre-hospital setting. TVAC has allowed me to build upon and hone in my team building and leadership skills, and allows such opportunities to anyone who joins beginning at the age of 15.5 years and above! TVAC has been pivotal for me as I pursue a career in medicine, and continues to be an asset to many other students pursuing studies both in and outside of the medical field. Please help me and my fellow EMT’s at the Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps continue to provide for our community by supporting our fundraiser! Your help is what keeps TVAC running, allowing us to maintain our supplies, training and resources and continue to serve our township at no cost! Help us continue saving lives! :)

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