

Medical Equipment Needs

by Alyssa Duley


Campaign has ended


It has been 7 years since I’ve been to Uganda. 7 yrs since I’ve seen the rich greenery, 7 yrs since I’ve kicked up red dirt as I walked the roads, and 7 yrs since I’ve had the littlest rich brown arms wrap around my pale white skin. My heart has ached for 7 years to get back to a place that feels like home.

So much has changed since I’ve last been to RUHU, what started as a small somehow functioning orphanage has grown into a well oiled machine that reaches out so much further than the original orphanage.

One thing that has grown is the medical outreach. With this is a need for more medical supplies. This makes my nurse heart SO happy.

My goal is to raise the funds needed in order to purchase the medical supplies while in country come November. 

Patrick Ssenyonjo and William Bukenya have been caring for orphaned and vulnerable kids since 2008. It's who they are. Today, Raising Up Hope for Uganda is providing a home for 80+ children, providing an education for 200+ kids from the neighborhood, and is building a Village of Hope down the road from Kampala. God is changing the world through this Ugandan organization and it is our pleasure to partner with them!

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