

Cookie Jar Cupcakes

by Lisa Cantwell




Hi everyone we are Cookie Jar Cupcakes and Cookies and we are based out of Sherwood, AR. We just opened our doors this past Saturday August 1st we are small business that is just my husband and I we are huge into the fitness industry but love our treats as well :) I heard about LAN Vwa through Leiva’s coffee owner and what a wonderful story so we wanted to do our part and help these wonderful kids receive the education they deserve we knew we couldn’t do it alone just starting out so we decided to join together and see just how much we could help! We want to personally thank each and every person who decides to donate!! We know together we can expand our reach!!

much love, Lisa & Harold Cantwell

The rise of the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the way our teachers deliver instruction to students and greatly impacted support of our organization. Despite these challenges, Lan Vwa remains committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering these communities through education, but we need your support. We are launching a campaign to raise $20,000 by December 31, 2020. Funds raised will help to ensure:

  • Our seven employees will have a secure job

  • Our 45 students will continue their school year uninterrupted

  • We can navigate necessary changes in our schools as we move into 2021

How would you like to support?

