Manex Lengwe
by Manex Lengwe
Child’s Name: Manex Lengwe
Age: 7
Birthday: 04/11/2013
Gender: Male
Location : Zambia
Centre: Jennifer Memorial Special Community School
Pupil’s ID: 2015044
Child’s information
Correspondence Language: Sign Language
US School Grade Equivalent: Grade 1
School performance: Average
Child attending School: Yes
Family Duties
Hobbies and Sports
Sign Language, cartoon and computer games
Number of siblings: None
Marital status of parents: Married
Child living with who: Both parents
Guardian Employment
Business Woman
It takes one person to create lasting change in Manex Lengwei's life. Your $45 monthly gift will give him access to life-changing education programs, crucial health and dental services, life skills, and more. At GBCZ, we believe empowering children can break the cycle of poverty for their families, their community, and the next generation. Let's start with Manex Lengwe. Sponsor him today.
The Jennifer Memorial School in Kitwe, Zambia, offers deaf children a place to learn and thrive.
But, many at risk students struggle stay in school because their families live in poverty and sub standard housing. GBCZ has started a scholarship program for ten of the most vulnerable students to allow them to live full time at the school, with three meals a day and a full school education program.
For $50 per month, one student can live at the school in a safe caring environment.
You Can Make A Difference in The Lives of These Children!
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