by Patrick Rice
For those of you who know me, you know I have a passion for families of fallen peace officers. I have tirelessly dedicated my life the last five years to creating a non-profit to both support families who have suffered the ultimate sacrifice, and to educate officers to keep them from making that honorable list. Now The Blue Family Tree has grown, and we have a peer to peer campaign option on our website. Go to and click on donating. (you can also just click on BECOME A FUNDRAISER from this page) Follow the tabs to create a fundraiser like this one and share our mission with your social group. I care greatly about this mission. But when your circle of influence sees it's important to you, is when we grow and give a greater gift to all the deserved families.
Invite others to give monthly donations to The Blue Family Tree. All monthly donations go into a special account. At the end of each calendar year we empty the account and evenly split the collected financial gift between every family represented on Officer Down Memorial Page that year. A simple way for you to give to every family on ODMP.
Follow these tabs to set up and share your own fundraising campaign for TBFT. It means so much more coming from you, than from us.