

More feminist teaching in k-12 STEM classes!

by Shana Caro




Campaign has ended


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As a female scientist, I see the importance of how we educate girls and young women in STEM. Science progresses faster when all genders have equal opportunities and encouragement to participate. 

The leaky pipeline starts early, with K-12 girls being driven away from science by gate-keeping language and non-inclusive ways of teaching that disadvantage girls. This campaign will create a set of concrete best practices for K-12 science classrooms that increase girls' confidence and show them that they have the abilities to succeed in STEM fields. 

We educate S.T.E.M. teachers to instill confidence & passion for learning in every girl and boy.

Girls bring a lot to the table.  Lots of schools talk about how girls and young women need S.T.E.M.. While we couldn’t agree more, our pedagogy guide is based on the idea that S.T.E.M. needs girls and women. When they are part of the conversation, the solutions are better. We are honing a set of practices that make girls and young women feel like assets in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Research shows that this confidence leads to long-term success in science, tech, engineering, and mathematics.
