

December 30, 2024

How did fundraising go for the 2024 competition season?

Extremely well! Including cash and in-kind donations (like hotel rooms and airline tickets) from generous donors, we raised a total of $19,266 for the 2024 competition season. We used this plus JOAD dues to fund:

  • 26 full scholarships (registration fees) for archers to compete in local tournaments.
  • 11 full scholarships (lodging and registration fees) and one partial scholarship for archers to compete in "road trip" tournaments: Arizona Cup, Buckeye Classic, SoCal Showdown, CA State Indoor Championships, CA State JOAD Indoor Championships, Indoor National Championships, JOAD Indoor National Championships. Plus full or partial lodging and all coach credential fees for coaches to support archers at these events.
  • 6 full scholarships (lodging, registration fees, and transportation stipend) for archers to compete at JOAD Outdoor National Championships, plus full or partial lodging and all coach credential fees for coaches to support the 13 archers who competed at this event.
  • 8 scholarships (lodging and registration fees) for archers to participate in USA Archery Regional Elite Development (RED) team training camps, and two scholarships for archers to participate in the National Elite Development (NED) training camp. Plus partial support for a coach to participate in the Coach Observer program with RED and NED camps.

We’ve reset the “thermometer” for our 2025 goal of $15,000.

August 20, 2023

Including cash and in-kind donations (like hotel rooms and airline tickets), we raised a total of $14,419 for the 2023 competition season. We used this plus JOAD dues to fund:

- 50 full scholarships (registration fees) for archers to compete in seven different local tournaments: CVA Spring Classic, Shoot-Out Diabetes, Joy Lee Indoor Championships, Easton Scholarship Tour, Beach Cup, Jr. Beach Cup, and C.O.R.R.

- 10 full scholarships (lodging and registration fees) for archers to compete in 8 "road trip" tournaments: State Indoor Championships, JOAD State Indoor Championships, Indoor National Championships, JOAD Indoor National Championships, The Vegas Shoot, Arizona Cup, the World Archery Youth Championship Trials, SoCal Showdown. Plus full or partial lodging and all coach credential fees for six coaches to support archers at these events, plus coach credential fee for a coach to support an archer who took 5th place at Buckeye Classic.

- 4 full scholarships (registration fees and lodging) for archers to attend USA Archery Regional Elite Development (RED) team training camps in Arizona and Chula Vista. Plus lodging expenses for two parent coaches who participated in the RED Coach Observer program at their own expense. (We are proud that 5 of our archers were selected for RED team this year, two attended the national RED camp, and another was selected for the National Elite Development team!)

- 3 full scholarships (registration fees, airfare, lodging, and airfare) for archers to compete in the JOAD Outdoor National Championships. Plus lodging, airfare, and rental cars for 3 coaches to support the 7 PRA JOAD archers who competed.

We've reset the "thermometer" above with an ambitious goal of $15,000 for the 2024 competition season. (These training camps ain't cheap!)

August 12, 2022

Including cash and in-kind donations (like hotel rooms and airline tickets), we raised a total of $13,524 for the 2022 competition season. We used this plus JOAD dues to fund:

- 7 partial scholarships (half of the registration fee) for a 3-day training camp

- 42 scholarships (registration fees) for six different local tournaments: CA State Outdoor Championships, CA State Games, CA Beach Cup, Junior Beach Cup, California Olympic Round Robin, and CVA Spring Classic

- 9 full scholarships (lodging and registration fees) for five "road trip" tournaments: SoCal Showdown, JOAD State Indoor, JOAD Indoor Nationals, CA State Indoor, and The Vegas Shoot. Plus 9 full or partial "coach support" (lodging and coach credential expenses) at road trip tournaments.

- 6 full scholarships (airfare, lodging, rental cars, and registration fees) for two "long distance" tournaments: JOAD Outdoor National Championships and Buckeye Classic. Plus coach support (airfare, lodging, and coach credential fee) for one coach to support the 7 archers who competed at the JOAD Outdoor National Championships.

We've reset the "thermometer" above for the 2023 competition season!

April 18, 2022

At our first ever on-range fundraising event, guests tried archery under the instruction of our JOAD archers, ate 90 pounds of BBQ, heard about the history of our home range (the world's oldest continually operating archery range), learned amazing facts about archery, shot a crazy assortment of targets, and watched exciting exhibition matches complete with color and play-by-play commentary.

Thanks to generous donations and auction bids, we raised $3,620.12!

March 07, 2022

Registration fees are covered for all 22 PRA JOADs shooting the Conejo Valley Archers Spring Classic. This is the first tournament away from our home range for several of them.

December 21, 2021

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, so far we have awarded $1,353.87 in scholarships to support hard-working archers in the 2022 competition season:

-- A full scholarship ($168.54 lodging and registration) for an archer to compete at the CA State Indoor Championship

-- A full scholarship ($148.54 lodging and registration) for an archer to compete at the CA State JOAD Indoor Championship

-- Two full scholarships ($336.28 total for lodging and registration) for archers to compete at the Indoor National Championship

-- Two full scholarships ($256.28 total for lodging and registration) for archers to compete at JOAD Indoor National Championship

-- One full scholarship ($444.23 for lodging and registration) for an archer to compete at The Vegas Shoot