One last hello BFDC camp families!
I am sharing a link to a folder with pictures from last week that you can view and download photos of your kids:
BFDC Latin American Culture and Dance Camp photos
Also, I am including a link to a video of a dance performance we did at the Arboretum in March just for fun:
Ballet Folklorico Video Performance
We have a few water bottles that were left behind. I think the white one is Caél's. You can stop by and pick them up during our dance practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-5:30 ish.
Food for the week:
Here is a list of foods that we had for the week. Most of the recipes you can find by googling them.
- Monday- México: Taquitos, guacamole, limonada
- Tuesday- Perú- pollo con arroz- Rossio made it all and I don't have the recipe, but I know she rubbed the chicken with ají colorado and the rice was made with palillo (tumeric) and vegetables. Drinks: Inca Kola, Chicha morada with limón and fruit
- Wed- Puerto Rico- arroz con habichuelas, agua de guayaba and agua de sandía
- Thursday- Venezuela- We were supposed to do cachapas, but I bought the wrong kind of P.A.N corn flour, use this kind: P.A.N Sweet Corn Mix , so instead we had arepas with ham and cheese and to drink: Papelón con limón
- Friday: Hojaldras (made with orange juice) and chocolate milk
It would be good for you to try some of the foods again in your homes. Some of the kids were reluctant to try new foods because it was a different color or form than they are used to. Most of the kids loved the food.
We hope to see you for camp next year!
Thanks for all your wonderful support during the week.
Jessica Kitterman,
Ballet Folklórico de Colores, Co-Director