


March 14, 2022

Hello BFDC Latin American Culture and Dance Camp Families, 

We hope your kids have had fun and learned a lot this week at camp. We have enjoyed getting to know your kids and seeing them become more comfortable with Spanish, dance,  and new foods.   

As a reminder, we will have our end of camp picnic tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. on the school field out back. Please bring your family's picnic dinner and a blanket to sit on. If you can come a bit early, we can get the kids ready to start close to 6:00 with our program. As soon as we can be ready, we will sing a few songs, dance a few dances: La Walicha from Perú, and Carnaval. The easiest way to do costumes is:

  • the girls can wear a swimsuit or leotard of any color with shorts on top. We  will give them a skirt to use. 
  • the boys can wear a white shirt and white pants that we have that they can put on over their clothes. 

While you are eating your picnic dinner, some of the Ballet Folklorico de Colores dancers that have helped out this week at camp will perform a few dances. Then, we will end the night with breaking a piñata. We will have a small flea market with some items for sale for cheap so you might want to bring a few dollars.

Next week, I will send you a link to a folder with pictures from camp so you can see what we have been doing all week. 

If your camper would like to continue taking dance classes with Ballet Folklórco de Colores, we will give you a camp discount of 50% off the first month. Classes are $45/month for 2 classes a week. We have dance classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00- 4:00 in Puente de Hozho's dance room. 

Finally, we would love to hear your and your child's  thoughts about camp. If you have a chance, please respond to this email and tell us what they liked, what they didn't like so much, maybe how their feelings changed about Spanish, dance, etc. We would love to hear anything you want to share. We may use some quotes in future promotion of the camp. 

Sorry for the long email. I hope it makes sense since it is late at night. 

Thank you all for supporting Ballet Folklórico de Colores Summer Camp and we hope you all enjoyed it.


Jessica Kitterman

BFDC, Co-Director