


August 16, 2022


I want to give you a glimpse behind the scenes like I did as former host of the Doctor's Lounge radio show for the Docs 4 Patient Care Foundation - of which I am proud to be Vice President of the Board.

Click here for my Video Briefing -

Whether you know us from

  • our conferences training up a generation of doctors in the Direct Primary Care practice model

  • the dozens of Op-Eds and white papers nationally published OR

  • Our through our victories in Washington, DC and many States 

All these success have been built over more than a decade by a core team of physicians donating thousands of hours and making dozens of trips to Washington D.C and State capitols —all through their own personal sacrifices of money and time.

Our platform has grown over three presidential administrations. We are the “go-to” health care group in crafting legislation & policy that protects the doctor-patient relationship.

We even have been key in moving Direct Primary Care to becoming a National Policy goal of the executive branch.

We have succeeded beyond our financial capacity.  Personal sacrifice is no longer enough.  Our staffing and infrastructure lacks the funds to go any farther.

We need you to step up and commit to monthly support. No matter any amount.

When we get the call to brief legislatures about the front lines of medicine, we want to be able to drop everything and go.

When forces against health care put a Trojan horse in pending legislation, we need to be there to sound the alarm on a moment’s notice.

Help us continue shifting American healthcare back to sanity.  No matter who wins the election we will keep up the fight but we need your help.  

Please go to right now and pledge  just $25 a month.  Every donation brings us closer to the goal.

Your Partner in the Fight,

Michael Koriwchak, MD

Vice President, Docs 4 Patient Care Foundation

Ps. - Our team of doctors (board and advisors) have been on fire this year.  They are influencing policy and persuading the public. Here is just a sampling of our media engagement…

Florida Medical Association Interview on Direct Primary Care

Medicine, Curated Podcast: Can #DirectPrimaryCare increase access to health care, reduce costs, and improve care and outcomes? Dr. Lee Gross has done all of those things and shares his experience.

Dr. Chad Savage: Biden on Healthcare - History Lesson 

John Fredericks Show - October 15, 2020

Debunking the ‘Trump Doesn’t Have a Health Care Plan’ Myth

Chad Savage - Oct 6, 2020

Dr. Josh Umbehr - Saving on Healthcare

WVMT's The Morning Drive - Discussing Direct Primary Care and how it may save significant amounts of money for consumers, employers, and insurance companies.