To the 122 INCREDIBLE Team MIP donors who came alongside the 11 UNSTOPPABLE Team MIP runners to help us RACE support ALL the way ACROSS the 10k for $10K fundraising finish line (and then some), we say THANK YOU for making this mission POSSIBLE! As I write this email, we have EXCEEDED our $10K expectation by almost $1000 dollars, with "official" donations currently totaling 109% of our original goal at $10, 864! This is a truly OUTSTANDING achievement!
Donors, when our runners started out on this journey, we BELIEVED "if we run it, donations will come." But we had NO idea how encouraging, empowering, and inspiring your response would be. It's one thing to set a lofty target, but quite another thing to actually hit the mark. Thank you for helping our feet be swift and our aim be true across 50 miles, 80 kilometers, on a beautiful Spring day, at the world's largest campus, and along the way, raising almost $11,000 to make mission possible, right here in our own community, "one heart out, one hand up" at a time.
To the 122 INCREDIBLE Team MIP donors who came alongside the 11 UNSTOPPABLE Team MIP runners to help us RACE support ALL the way ACROSS the 10k for $10K fundraising finish line (and then some), we say THANK YOU for making this mission POSSIBLE! As I write this email, we have EXCEEDED our $10K expectation by almost $1000 dollars, with "official" donations currently totaling 109% of our original goal at $10, 864! This is a truly OUTSTANDING achievement!
Donors, when our runners started out on this journey, we BELIEVED "if we run it, donations will come." But we had NO idea how encouraging, empowering, and inspiring your response would be. It's one thing to set a lofty target, but quite another thing to actually hit the mark. Thank you for helping our feet be swift and our aim be true across 50 miles, 80 kilometers, on a beautiful Spring day, at the world's largest campus, and along the way, raising almost $11,000 to make mission possible, right here in our own community, "one heart out, one hand up" at a time.