


August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024

What do these have to do with the crisis in Haiti today? 

 I can remember during the last world cup, when I lived in Port Au Prince, anyone with a working television would move them out to share viewing on the sidewalks or boutique windows. Clusters of people cram to watch and strangers cheer side by side. 

A level of calmness and peace are on the streets. Haiti seems to stop for serious soccer games, especially the World Cup. A sense of unity and joy enters the environment. The sport is an all time favorite, of course and Everyone cares for these games. While competition can divide, sports can also be an example of teamwork and family. I believe the Lord allows joyous celebration experience and team camaraderie to be examples of fellowship and relationship with one another. On display through such events, moments of peace and love shine when joined together. While our hope is in Jesus, and not the games, in Haiti, we have sport that brings us together... at least for the season World Cup is on. 

John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”


Schools are slowly opening. But a lower number of returning students due to lack of tuition funds; a result of job loss since gang rule. Or teachers and families may choose not to go because they carry fear of returning for risk of the journey to the school or being at the school. Our students are being tracked down one by one but it's taking time to gather full status of each case. The schools are each so different due to the areas they are in, as well. Be on the look out for these reports by Christmas.

 "Si Dye vle", if it's the Lords will, we will share stories of Gods goodness and grace amidst the continued difficulties our Haitian community is facing.

We are seeking Crisis funds to reestablish the communities we work in and address the overwhelming impact schools are reconciling from opening so late in the year. 

Jwaye Nwel

August 26, 2024

What else can we do?

To leave home in Haiti today is a risk. Gangs demand schools to remain closed. This began in September and while protests are not uncommon, forcing schools to stay closed this long is disturbing for the days ahead.

The wait is painful, mentally draining and with no end in sight, sadness is pressing in on all sides. 

At Haiti One by One, we are attempting contact with students and their families but gathering information is extremely complicated. Displaced persons reports is growing in numbers. Our ability to reach students is limited, but we are doing all that we can to make the effort in tracking.

Please pray with Haiti, for relief, wisdom and communications to improve. 

Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Psalm 102:1-2 Hear my prayer, Lord;

    let my cry for help come to you.
Do not hide your face from me
    when I am in distress.
Turn your ear to me;
    when I call, answer me quickly.

August 26, 2024

It has been a long several weeks since another series of protests erupted. Violence, gas shortages, extremely high costs to food, all are continuing to soar. The people are tired and many are literally hungry. 

To make matters worse, schools must remain closed.

Current news resource to Haiti's crisis.

For most, education is the key to improving Haiti. If only school could open. While schools stay closed for safety and demand by protestors, students can only wait. The time brings stress to families who are concerned to provide school tuition due to loss of work and resources. When the classrooms open, the numbers of students who need tuition will soar!  

We need sponsors, we need partners, we need extra help during this time of crisis. 

We need most, to trust and know God has a plan and we are praying for peace. Please join us. 

August 26, 2024

Schools preparing to open and families deciding which child they can afford to send are both stressful impacts to the Haitian people in this season.  

We recently learned that Haiti is anticipating another delay in the start of school from early September to what could be Oct 1. This gives relief to some who are seeking ways to fulfill the financial burden. Schools have a bit more time to find one more teacher to hire... but the delay is bittersweet.

Starting late also means more stress to complete requirements in a smaller window of time. Or worse, not completing. Time is critical. And students should not carry the burden of paying for school. Cramming for what they desire and have a right to learn is not ideal. But the eagerness to learn combats disappointment especially when programs like Haiti One by One helps students have a chance to attend school. 

We have time to sponsor.

Your contribution to a school or students tuition can come at just the right time, the time is now.

 Please consider a sponsoring a students education. Or help with surrounding care initiatives to increase success. 

Hope can be shared through education...

and Haiti One by One will offer hope beyond education. 

August 26, 2024

I was challenged recently; whenever I had to wait next in a line, do not use my phone. Just stand, smile, maybe talk to the person nearby, observe and just wait... patiently and without complaint. It's awkward and uncomfortable. 

In our culture, this is hard, so so hard especially when several tasks can be done by phone in a matter of minutes waiting in a line!  It feels wasteful to stand there, but we are actually sharpening our practice of a faith building exercise: Patience.

Haiti One by One was started in the early 2000's with amazing people. Twenty plus years later, it was passed on to partners and friends at BCDC. With recent changes, modifications and new developments also raised concerns, frustrations and lots of questions. Changes in any area of life are painful and these feelings are all very validated. Yet in the midst of transition, we experience so much Love and Patience!

As Dr. Lewis says (Converge, Biblical Diversity):

God invites us to move from suspicion to trust, from skepticism to curiosity and on to acknowledge God's grace in one another.

As we support Haiti, we are working diligently to wait patiently. Encouraged by courageous and patient people walking along side Haiti One by One, we have good conversations, strategy and prayer. Amidst a dark season in Haiti, we will continue to pursue what the Lord wants for education, students and communities... with patience.

Mesi anpil to the people who keep us moving forward in faith. 

John 15:12 Love each other as I have loved you.