We look forward to the fellowship, fun, and festivities, but Fishin' For A Cure is most excited about making a difference! #EveryCatchCounts #ReelInHope12 #FFACLooksWest
Friday, October 11: Flamingle Flock Friday: We invite any supporters to dress in pink and support local businesses throughout the day! Share your love for Fishin' for a Cure and give back to the community that has been supportive of Fishin' for a Cure. There are many places collecting donations on the island for Western NC. Please support these efforts as you can!
Saturday, October 12: Tutus for Tatas Diva Walk sponsored by the Emerald Isle Parrotheads: Registration begins a 9:00am at Flipperz. This is a perfect way to start the week. The block party will continue at 77 West for early check-in at 77 West from 12-3. Pick up your armbands for express line into the Pink Out Party. Pick up your Pokerfsih attire so you are dressed for success on Sunday. We will have the merchandise trailer on site, raffle tickets for sale, pink carnations for sale to cast out on Sunday, and more. We are excited that Permalinx Jewelery with Katie Colter will be joining the party as well. She is donating a % of the proceeds to FFAC. But wait, there is more, bring your furry friend (on a leash) and pose them for the Pink My Paws competition. It's not too late to enter your favorite friend in the campaign! Of course, PINK PINT NIGHT will be at 7:00pm with the Silk Groove Revue. No registration required. $10 donation, silent and live auctions! Come prepared to have a great time!
Sunday, October 13th: Pokerfish Tournament: Don't forget your fishing license and beach driving permit. We will begin check in of all pokerfish teams at 10:00am ending at 10:45am. Each participant must receive an armband. Don't forget your $5 for a card mulligan too! Announcements at 11:00. Fishing begins at 11:30. We will be casting out carnations from the pier right before we start and hang out after for Fred Rouse broadcasting live from Surf's Up.
Monday, October 14th: Let's Go Pink on the Green Golf Tournament at Crystal Coast Country Club. Check in for golfers begins at 7:30. Shotgun start at 8:30.
Tuesday October 15th: Cornhole Tournament is at The Trading Post. Must register on-line until 4pm Monday night, October 14th. No on-site registration. Sign in at The Trading Post by 10:30 AM – Play starts promptly at 11 AM.
Thursday, October 17th: Online Auction ends at 9:00pm. Come join us at 77 West with Happy Cloud as we create sea glass designs for the upcoming holiday! Visit Happy Cloud on facebook! Happy Cloud Design Tickets
Friday, October 18th: Pink Out Party and $10,000 Draw Down. It's not too late to register or buy a raffle ticket but spots are filling up fast so be sure to share with your friends early! $30 ticket in the door, $80 gets you in the door and a chance for $10,000. Appetizers and The Tams will be in your reach! Purchase your ticket online. $10,000 could be YOURS! Purchase Tickets Here!
FFAC Board Members and volunteers have been busy preparing for the BIGGEST week of the year. While we KNOW that our supporters will enable FFAC to continue to make a difference in the lives of those fighting breast cancer, we are also turning our focus to our neighbors in the west. In addition to the love and prayers already being sent, FFAC will be sending a monetary donation to a partner organization who is providing resources/support to those most impacted by Hurricane Helene. Be on the lookout for opportunities to give during the events of the week.
Thank you for registering for Fishin’ for a Cure 2023. #itsoFISHial, we are “reel” excited for some fun ahead. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected]
Here is a rundown of the events. Please be sure you have forwarded this email to all of your team members and friends who are coming to support. If you have friends waiting to register, share this email.
Pink Pint Night: October 6, 2023
Join the Parrothead Phlocking as we kick off the week of fishing, fun and fellowship at the Emerald Club. The EI Parrotheads are HUGE supporters of Fishin’ for a Cure. Monika Jaymes Band is playing and food will be provided. Start time is 7:00pm! ! No registration needed…show up for some fun! There will be opportunities to purchase merchandise, 50/50 raffle tickets, $10,000 raffle tickets and auction items.
Fun, Fellowship, and Check-In: October 7, 2023
At 77 West, come float in anytime between 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Visit with friends, meet new people, and enjoy the fellowship.
This is the opportunity to pick up pre-ordered merchandise, buy brand NEW exclusive merchandise, get your drink tickets, purchase raffle tickets, and complete pre-check in for Pokerfish. We are providing an opportunity to talk, visit and enjoy for many of you, the first day on the island. Food from Stoney's Pizza food truck, Flipperz, and Fish Hut will be available for purchase.
Pokerfish Tournament: October 8, 2023
Check-In on the beach between 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM.
All participants must check-in to receive an armband.
A mulligan can be purchased for $5.
Rules at 11:00 AM in front of the judge’s tent (to the left of the pier).
Fishin’ begins at 11:30 AM.
Fishin’ ends at 1:30 PM.
Awards will be given out around 2:00 PM.
Participants can drive on the beach (with a driving permit) or park at the pier. Permits are available online through the town of Emerald Isle.
Wear PINK…it’s an amazing site to paint the beach pink!
The best five cards will make up the team's hand.
One fisher person and one runner. For each fish caught, the runner will bring the fish to the tent and a card will be drawn. The runner must show their armband with the team number.
The fish must be placed in the bucket at the tent for release.
The same card cannot be drawn more than once. If the same card is pulled, another card must be drawn before leaving the dealer table.
One rod per team in the water at a time. Team members can switch between fishing and running.
Beach Party at Surf's Up Grill from 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM with Fred Rouse broadcasting live.
It is the participants’ responsibility to ensure they have a current fishing license.
Hotdogs, chips, and the hydration station will be set up for all to partake!
Go Pink on the Green Golf Tournament: October 9, 2023
Crystal Coast Country Club
Scramble, Captain’s Choice
Due to the number of teams, we will only have a morning flight.
Check - in: 7:30-8:00 AM
Shotgun Start - 8:30 AM
Be sure to "Pink the Green" with your best dress - Be Creative!
Lunch is provided after the tournament.
BackSwing will be onsite with a Beat the Pro competition. With a fun spin on a closest to the pin contest, this game provides a fun and exciting opportunity for players to give back, while also channeling their competitive side with the chance to compete against a touring female professional! They will take cash or card at the hole and proceeds benefit Fishin’ for a Cure.
Lay Day: October 10, 2023
Enjoy the day with fishing, fun, and fellowship.
This is a perfect day to gather at the point!
(No registration needed…show up for some fun!)
Lay Day: October 11, 2023
Enjoy the day with fishing, fun, and fellowship.
If you are interested in playing cornhole, the Emerald Club is sponsoring a cornhole tournament Wednesday night with proceeds going to Fishin’ for a Cure. Sign up begins at 6:00pm, bags fly at 6:30pm.
Lay Day: October 12, 2023
Enjoy the day with fishing, fun, and fellowship.
The online auction ends tonight at 9pm. Don’t miss out on the great items up for bid. Auction Link: www.32auctions.com/itsoFISHial Go ahead and register today to start bidding! Auction items will be available for pick up at 77 West on Friday, October 13, 2023 from 10am-12pm.
Taste of the Town/Pink Out Party: October 13, 2023
Enjoy this private party at 77 West with amazing food and music by Spare Change. Bring some extra cash for buy-back tickets for the $10,000 draw down. A live auction will be occurring on site as well! Be sure to purchase your ticket ASAP while supplies last. Doors open at 6:00pm! Tickets are still available at https://www.flipcause.com/secure/event_step2/MTgwNzE0/209246#!
Tutus for Tatas: October 14, 2023
The EI Parrotheads present their annual Diva walk on Saturday. Registration begins at 9:00am at Flipperz. $10/participant includes 1-raffle ticket entry and champagne toast) for the 8th Annual E-Club 1K walk/run starting at Flipperz Bar and Grill to E-Club, Emerald Isle (who will be offering Ta-Ta tatties) and back for champagne toast so get your tutu’s out, dress up and plan to have fun.
Pink My Paws
It’s not too late to enter Pink My Paws. Dress up your furry friend and help us raise money for the cause! #paws4thecause
Winners will be announced October 13, 2023. Register and vote at www.fishinforacure.com. You vote by donating to your favorite furry friend through October 13th.
We are thankful to our sponsors and supporters! We look forward to celebrating survivors, honoring caretakers, and remembering those we have lost! #everycatchcounts