


July 16, 2024

We have an anticipated delivery date of Friday 12/16/22. I am preparing mailing envelopes as we speak (so I can mail out promptly) and have a list ready to go for any who are picking up in person at the DSAGC office. As soon as the calendars arrive, I will be sending out dates and times that calendars are available for pick up. 

I am so excited to see these in person. We are nearing our SOLD-out number, so THANK YOU to all you for contributing to the calendars. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Victoria Coles
Program & Community Outreach Director, M.Ed, CMC
Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte

July 16, 2024

I am heading to the post office now and mailing out all orders as of today. 

Anyone who opted for pickup, I will be contacting you separately to coordinate pickup.

Happy Holidays and thank you for supporting our Kiddos with the DSAGC.

Victoria Coles
Program & Community Outreach Director, M.Ed, CMC
Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte