


April 01, 2019

Dear Friend of the Library,

Our community and world are changing.  And the role of the El Dorado County Library is changing with them.  Help us plan for the Library’s future at our “Community Conversation” on Friday, April 19, 2019 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm at the Placerville Library, 345 Fair Lane.


We are seeking input from community members and stakeholders as we update the Library’s Strategic Plan. As someone who is actively involved, we value your input as we develop a robust and effective plan.  Your voice will help us answer questions such as:

·         What does your Library mean to your community?

·         How can your Library better serve your community?

·         How does your Library fit into the future of your community?


These questions and more will help determine the future of your Library.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 530.621.5553.


We look forward to your participation in this public ev?ent.