Thank you for making time to read our first THMF Newsletter!
The intention of all the hands, minds and hearts that touch the Taylor Hagen Memorial Foundation is for the words, thoughts and resources shared here to bring you insight, perspective, peace and joy in all that you face.
As we begin this journey together, I will take a moment to tell you about me. My name is Genna. I am a happily married mother of three children, two living one not. I am a lifelong student and avid reader. I love to garden. I love deep open honest conversations. I respect people being true to themselves even if it disappoints others. I appreciate kindness and think laughter can smooth so many of life’s bumps. I think life is better with two-ply, real butter, good paper towels and thick sliced applewood smoked bacon cooked crisp! The poem below captures ideals I work to include in my existence.
Embrace conversation. Buy a plant, water it. Make your bed.
Make someone else’s bed. Have a smart mouth, and quick wit.
Run. Make art. Create. Swim in the ocean. Swim in the rain.
Take chances. Ask questions. Make mistakes. Learn.
Know your worth. Love fiercely. Forgive quickly.
Let go of what doesn’t make you happy.
I invite you to engage in the items shared with an open mind & heart. Listen with love to the thoughts being shared. If you read something that touches you and makes you think of someone who could benefit, please share. If you read something that either doesn’t apply or ring true for you leave it behind like you would something you tried on at a department store that didn’t fit. We appreciate and value your time, thank you for sharing some of it with us!
For many this time of year conjures thoughts and feelings of warmth, joy, excitement for upcoming festivities.
For others heading into the holidays can bring feelings of anxiousness, anxiety, doubts and frustration, feelings of inadequacies or financial strain. It can also be an isolating time where you might be feeling less then shiny and bright.
I invite you to give yourself the gift of time. Give yourself permission to honestly ‘chose’ the activities and events that you want to attend, that will bring you satisfaction. When on a grief journey of any kind there are days you want to engage, be around others and participate in all the happenings of life. Other days you need your own space. Your mind & heart may need solitude and time to be still. Please allow yourself this healing time to work towards peace to finding your footing in a new and unfamiliar landscape. Please feel free to share with others that you appreciate them thinking of you, inviting you and ask that they continue to do so even if you keep saying no. Some will, some won’t. Let that be ok too.
I have found in my own holiday seasons navigating the unknown path of life with my son gone I found comfort in finding ways to include him in what we were doing. We made time to share stories and participate in activities he enjoyed as a way to keep him a part of our new adventures without him. My son Joey loved to eat so for Thanksgiving as a family we take meals to families in need to share a meal in his honor. You can do any number of things to include those who are gone. I have heard of others setting a place at the holiday table for someone who has passed. Whatever feels right, do that! If it is nothing, that is perfectly ok too.
I have learned that there is no one ‘RIGHT’ way to mourn or grieve. There are certainly more or less healthy ways. Allow yourself the time, patience and love to find your path.
You could be dealing with a loss of someone important, a loss of a marriage, a loss of a job or anything that you wanted that is now gone. You are in uncharted territory that can leave you feeling frightened and alone. Please know that these thoughts and feelings are normal. You have a tribe here where you can reach out for comfort or support.
As we call can appreciate at some level life can be amazing, beautiful, brilliant, awful, sometimes trivial and mundane. The opportunity we all have is to seek peace, look for light in our lives and gather love. This can be done in small every measures to help us get back or stay in a place of balance in our minds, hearts and souls.
All my best,
If you would like an event and resource sheet please email me at [email protected]