

Coaching Launches

Coaching Launches
2 Needed - To round out our fleet of wakeless coaching launches that will be used for practices, races, and by our visiting teams.
$17,000.00 each

These launches not only provide safety for our rowers and coaches, but also optimize training due to the low wake and higher platform from coaches to coach from. 

Those that donate $100 of more will be put into a drawing and have a chance to name the launch. 

Those that donate the entire cost of a launch will have naming rights of that launch. 

Multiple selections/quantities can be made to create the custom donation amount you desire.

Coaching Launches $5.00 Donation

Max Per Order:4

Coaching Launches $20.00 Donation

Max Per Order:5

Coaching Launches $100.00 Donation

Max Per Order:10

Coaching Launches $1,000.00 Donation

Max Per Order:17

Coaching Launches $17,000.00 Donation

Buy me a boat!
Max Per Order:2