Elly and Drake
by Elly and Drake
Team captain(s) : Elly And Drake
Campaign has ended

Pioneer Springs has a unique vision–a belief in holistic education that connects students to the natural world and their community, while fostering joy, wonder, curiosity, and life-long learning in every student. We are a community school that depends on all of our stakeholders–including families–to make this vision a reality. As a tuition-free public charter school we receive 37% less funding than traditional public schools. That leaves a BIG gap between the funds that Pioneer Springs receives and what we need to educate your student(s). Our commitment to low student-teacher ratios in our elementary school,
a campus with both historic and modern buildings, and extensive outdoor learning spaces
is only possible through our community’s financial support. Together, we can reach higher
and go further!
This year we are asking each family to raise $250 per student to help us bridge that big
gap and reach our goals. Here are some ways we can accomplish that:
- Make a one-time direct donation (click here)
- Set up a monthly payment–just $25/ month/ child over the school year would reach our goal (click here)
- Reach out to friends and family to donate (link to build your personal online campaign)
- Join our Development Team to seek sponsorships from local businesses and corporations (email [email protected])
- Employer matching grants (click here)
In support of this ambitious goal, we are proud to present our Kindergarten-5th grade “Mudpuppy” and 6th-12th grade “Hellbender” challenges. Mudpuppies and Hellbenders
are among the most remarkable of the 65 salamander species native to North Carolina.
We’ll celebrate our successful Annual Campaign with Reach for the Trees on October 13, 2023. On this date, the Mudpuppies will have a fun run with the goal of collectively
running the length of NC’s Mountain to Sea Trail, and the Hellbenders will compete
in an obstacle course punctuated with an environmental literacy trivia challenge–think
Tough Mudder meets Quiz Bowl. Families are invited to join us on campus to celebrate
by cheering our students on, hopping in on dance parties, and socializing with other families! Students who reach their challenge goal of $250 will receive a commemorative
T-shirt on celebration day, and additional T-shirts will be available for purchase.