Spin 4 Kids Fundraiser
by Team Emerson
Team captain(s) : Lauren Ey
Welcome to Team Emerson. Emerson was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 9/11/2020, a day that forever changed our lives. Her strength and courage amaze us each day - our real life superhero!
"Emerson has brought so much joy into our lives since entering our family 2.5 years ago. Our 3rd of all girls, Emmy holds her own with her older sisters, Avery and Camryn, who adore her. Emmy is incredibly independent and keeps us all on our toes with her witty personality, spunky demeanor, and dialect well beyond her years. On most days you can find her dressed in princess dresses singing all the songs from the Disney princess movies. She certainly has taught us to live life to the fullest and find happiness and positivity in the most difficult of situations. Thankfully these qualities are what is helping Emmy to fight B-cell ALL which she was diagnosed with on September 11th of this year. We never saw this coming as a broken arm, turned into a surgery for infection, which turned into an ALL diagnosis. It pains me to know that as long as she’s been here on this earth, she’ll spend that same amount of time on treatment, but I know that Emmy will beat this. We continue to find our strength in our sweet girl who wakes each day with a smile and ends each night with the best hugs and kisses. Emerson is our real-life superhero!" - Lauren (Emerson's Mama)
This is Infinite Love's first ever Spin 4 Kids fundraising event! Thank YOU for helping us and for wanting to be a part of this fun day!
Infinite Love is a 100% volunteer-run 501c3 nonprofit foundation with the dual missions of 1) funding new pediatric cancer research (click here for an itemized list of what we've already funded), and 2) providing financial and emotional support to families currently fighting childhood cancer. Because there are no Infinite Love salaries, everything that you give goes entirely to our cause! Thanks to generous supporters like you, since 2013 we have funded over $1 million in research grants to some of our country's leading research hospitals and facilities and we've written thousands of dollars of support checks to childhood cancer families, we've given backyard makeovers, sent kids to sports events, built dream tree houses and more (click here to read reviews about Infinite Love).
Now more than ever Infinite Love needs your help! As a "Mom & Pop" foundation, fundraising has always been challenging, however enter COVID19 and there are far more mountains to climb. Childhood cancer has not stopped because of a global pandemic, and for as long as are able Infinite Love won't stop either! However, without being able to hold our usual in-person fundraisers (that yield anywhere between $250,000 - $300,000), we're depending on the generosity of people just like you to give what you can when you can, and when you can't give financially, than perhaps you can help us by talking about our foundation, and/or sharing our social media posts and events. There are many ways that you can help Infinite Love thrive during these difficult times, so thank you for taking this first step today in doing just that! #MakeItAmazing #NoOneFightsAlone
This page is raising funds for Infinite Love for Kids, it is not raising funds for Emerson's family directly.
How would you like to support?