


Let us know how many volunteers are signing up for each area of need. Feel free to volunteer for all, some, or one of the areas.

Whatever needs to be done

Max Quantity:30

Parking Lot Greeter/Welcome Team

Hold welcome signs in the parking lot and direct people to the entrance.

Max Quantity:30

Teens & Adults Game Captain (Game Rules Expert)

Learn the rules of the games and answer questions during game play.

Max Quantity:30

Scoreboard Monitor

Keep track of team scores on a large whiteboard.

Max Quantity:30

Registration Table

Check people in upon arrival and hand out assignments to game zones.

Max Quantity:30

Kids or adults give a 30-second book report during breaks, Reading Rainbow style

Max Quantity:30

Timekeeper/Gong Ringer

Ring the bell after 45 minutes of play.

Max Quantity:30


Keep refreshments stocked.

Max Quantity:30

Setup Crew

Arrive one hour before the event. Unload games, mark the game zones with duct tape, and set out the games.

Max Quantity:30

Clean Up Crew

After the event ends, help with cleaning and removing duct tape from tables. Help pack up the games and load them in the organizer’s car.

Max Quantity:30

Kids Game Captains (Game Rules Expert)

Learn the rules of games and answer questions during game play.

Max Quantity:30

Kids Game Zone Helper

Help young kids play games.

Max Quantity:30

Prize Awarder

Give out prizes to winners.

Max Quantity:30