Direct Mentor Volunteer

Direct Mentors are the heart and soul of Montrose Grace Place, providing the safe, accepting relationships that our youth need to grow. Not just anybody has what it takes, but for the people who can make this commitment, this position is incredibly rewarding. Direct Mentors eat family-style meals with youth, interacting as adult mentors by modeling positive, responsible behaviors and attitudes. They participate in the evening's activities with the youth, helping them choose clothing in the clothing closet and facilitating supportive discussions during group time.
To become a direct volunteer, you must:
- Age 26, or have attended your last MGP youth night at least two years ago.
- Desire to provide positive mentoring to at-risk youth.
- Able to affirm people who are a part of or allies to the LGBTQ+ community.
- Able to discuss difficult issues (sexuality, drug and alcohol use, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, homelessness, survival sex, etc.) with adolescents and young adults in an open, nonjudgmental, constructive manner.
- Able to deal with less-than-positive outcomes.
- Able to put personal religious values into perspective, and to meet the youth where they are, exercising unconditional positive regard.
- Able to always hold self to the highest standards of personal behavior and MGP requirements.
- Able to set up and maintain positive, healthy personal boundaries.
- Possesses good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Willing to participate in a debriefing session with other volunteers and supervisors after each program evening and to be transparent with the group about experiences and feelings regarding direct youth work.
Basic Job Description:
Direct Youth Mentor attends MGP Youth Night, on a regular, fixed schedule, interacting with youth experiencing homelessness in a positive, respectful manner during a variety of activities.
This position involves direct contact with Youth and requires a background check.
Position Time Requirement:
- Minimum 10 hours per month for minimum of one year.
- 5 hours for program evening shifts (5:45pm - 10pm), at least twice monthly.
Are you ready to make a real connection with our youth and become part of our family?