2021 Pass Through Grant Donations
Help Us Fund More Community Grants!
The Tustin Community Foundation is the conductor in the symphony of Tustin nonprofits.
100% of your donation will be passed on to the organization(s) of your choice!
2020 Grant Recipients and Applicants are listed the next page or you can select another local nonprofit organization or school to support.
Plus, You can Help the Foundation Fund even more Grants!
Again this year, the Tustin Community Foundation (TCF) received more grant requests than funds available to distribute. In order to support as many worthy organizations as possible, TCF will match the first $100 donated to the following organizations that were not awarded a grant this year. Please help us help them by making a Pass-Through Donation directly to TCF before the end of the year.
TCF will pass
100% of your donation on to the organization(s) plus up to $100.
The Tustin Community Foundation received more grant requests than funds available to distribute so these organizations did not receive a grant. Please help us support them by making a Pass-Through Donation directly to TCF before the end of the year and TCF will pass 100% of your donation on to the organization(s) plus match the donation up to $100.
4 Paws 4 Patriots www.4paws4patriots.org
FHS Softball Boosters www.foothillsoftball.teamapp.com
Foothill High School Aquatics Boosters www.foothillaquatics.com
Global Hope 365 www.globalhope365.org
Ladera Elementary School www.tustin.k12.ca.us/ladera
Matthew Shope Memorial Fly High www.flyhighmps.org
Mercy House Living Center www.mercyhouse.net
Nighthawk Sports www.nighthawksportsca.com
Patriots and Paws www.patriotsandpaws.org
Prep Sports Media www.prepsportsmedia.org
RevHubOC www.revhuboc.com
Rx Ballroom Dance www.rxballroomdance.com
Salvation Army Youth Center www.orangecounty.salvationarmy.org
St. Cecilia Food Distribution Program www.stcecilia.org
The Priority Center www.theprioritycenter.org
Together We Rise www.togetherwerise.org
Tustin Memorial Academy PTO www.tustin.k12.ca.us/tustin-memorial
Working Wardrobes for a New Start www.workingwardrobes.org
Donations may be made here today, online at tustincommunityfoundation.org or
mailed to TCF PO Box 362 Tustin, CA 92781