We are looking forward to once again hosting a celebration of students' Place-Based Education efforts and community-engaged action.
The in-person Community Forum will be at the Eastern Michigan University Student Center on Tuesday, May 21, from 8:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. (Parking will be $10-$14 per vehicle, but SEMIS will provide parking vouchers for any groups presenting)
This registration is for presenters and guests for both or either days. To register for both days, please add one option to your cart, and then continue browsing to add the 2nd day, then go to the cart and check out. To register for more than one person at a time, select quantity before adding to your cart.
Presenter Registration: Monday, April 22nd
General Registration: Closing Friday, May 10th at midnight
*If you are attending with students, and will invite parent or guardian guests, please have them register as well. Thank you!
The SEMIS Community Forum consists of students from schools across southeast Michigan coming together to share the stories of their place-based learning with each other, and the broader community. We are holding in-person and virtual settings so that students have more opportunities to share their place-based learning projects. Learn more about our Student Gallery by watching the video below and checking out the online gallery from last year!
Please check back soon!

This campaign has ended or is not currently active.
Contact us if you would like more information on how to support!