

Discouragement for American pastors in these post-Covid lockdown days is off the charts. A recent Barna survey discovered that nearly two in five pastors have considered quitting full-time ministry due to some combination of the following 3 issues:  

  • EXHAUSTION (the demands of leadership are grueling physically, emotionally, spiritually).
  • ISOLATION (the loneliness of leadership). 
  • IMAGE MANAGEMENT (where can they let down their guard to engage in vulnerable self-reflection?)

That’s where Kaleo Collective comes in! We believe that the Church in America’s biggest need today is not just more trained pastors, but an abundance of healthy trained pastors encouraged and strengthened by an ongoing community of their peers.

Making this Happen

Our vision at Kaleo Collective is one of restoration, rejuvenation, and longevity for discouraged pastors in ministries that flourish for years to come.


It costs KaleoCollective $119 per month to provide ongoing, expert support for the pastors who are participating in our ministry. Would you consider sponsoring one or more of these pastors as ongoing members of a KaleoCollective cohort? 


Just think what an amazing difference your financial support of KaleoCollective will make, not only in the lives of pastors, but in the hundreds of lives those pastors influence every day for the Kingdom of God! Thanks so very much for your consideration!

E. Andrew McQuitty,
Founder and CEO.

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