


Please join us for #GivingTuesdayNow to raise $5,000 and show up for our communities.


I am very sad because everything has changed, and I don’t know when it will get back to the way it was before. The only people I can be with is my family. I can’t be with my best friends which makes me very sad because they are very important to me. They make me smile and laugh. This is hard. I also really miss school. I need to be with my teacher, not just on-line or by phone. I need extra help with my work. I also have no dedicated place to work which makes things difficult because I get distracted easily. I really liked the school environment. I also can’t play ball like I used to at the Rec Center. We live on HWY 395 so I really can’t ride my skateboard either. I am trying not to be sad, but it is hard. I try to deal with my sadness by using humor which helps.
-boy 15 years old


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Recent Activity

Name Nancy A Hussmann
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 05/05/20
