Inspiring Courage Legacy Fund
A fiscally sponsored project of the Social Good Fund
“Fostering positive values such as respect and unity are so relevant for today.”
Now, more than ever, it's essential to remember the people who have stood up in the face of adversity and how each of us, in our own lives, can make a difference.
Marty Brounstein had a passion for telling stories – particularly true stories of non-Jewish and Jewish rescue and resistance to Nazi tyranny during the Holocaust — the aspect of Holocaust education and publications that is least known, least recognized, yet most inspirational. Two of these heroes' stories have now been published by Square One Publishers, Inc.
Your tax-deductible donation will enable the Inspiring Courage Legacy Fund to purchase copies of Marty Brounstein’s books, "The Righteous Few: Two Who Made a Difference" and "Woman of Valor: A Story of Leadership, Courage and Resistance", and deliver them to schools and other organizations around the country that are not otherwise able to afford the books and the teaching curriculum.
Marty’s first book, "The Righteous Few: Two Who Made a Difference," tells the amazing story of a Dutch Christian couple named Frans and Mien Wijnakker, who, at great risk, sheltered and saved the lives of more than two dozen Jews from certain death during World War II and the Holocaust.
Marty’s second book, "Woman of Valor: A Story of Leadership, Courage and Resistance," details the brave exploits of Eta Chait, a young female Jewish resistance fighter who becomes part of the leadership of an all-Jewish partisan unit in the woods of Poland during the Holocaust and helped save 100 Jews during WWII.
Marty shared these inspirational stories in a nine-year journey with over 750 book talks at synagogues, churches, government offices and businesses, as well as in book discussions with middle school and high school classes. Before Marty passed away, he created the Inspiring Courage Legacy Fund project and established a team to keep his mission alive.
With your support, we can continue to make a positive difference in the world through sharing Marty’s inspirational stories of courage and compassion.
To order copies of Marty’s book to read and share with others:
Woman of Valor (1st edition, December 2020)
The Righteous Few (3rd edition, March 2020)
To learn more:
View NBC “Bay Area Proud” featuring Marty; aired on May 4, 2017
Marty’s nine-year Journey with The Righteous Few book
Inspiring Courage Legacy Fund is a fiscally sponsored project of Social Good Fund,
a California nonprofit corporation and registered 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID (EIN) 46-1323531.