Skills Lab @ConflictResilience
Access Information is shared at this Google Drive Folder:
Please wait 24 hours after request for access to be granted. This waiting time is to avoid scams and spamming, and your patience is appreciated.
The Skills Lab is an extension of the Conflict Resilience Project. Like and Share at our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/ConflictResilience/).
What is the VIRTUAL* Skills lab?
Following formal training for fundamentals of mediation (from anywhere), this Skills Lab provides additional experience. A certificate of completion for the formal training is required, unless you are approved for Scholarship training.
Unlike recorded mediations found online that are role-played or scripted, this Skills Lab offers over 20 hours of recorded real-life mediations through our local small claims court. These are mediation sessions that the parties generously allowed to be recorded for educational purposes only.** The volunteer mediators are certified and serve the small claims court and case parties by Zoom across the State of Montana.
Skills Lab Debriefing sessions are scheduled 1st Mondays at 6 p.m. (Mountain Time) by Zoom. Parties gave permission to record the mediation sessions for training purposes only. The recorded mediation session is made available up to two weeks prior to a debriefing session to be viewed on the trainee’s own time.
Access to the Skills Lab is a one-time fee of $100/$200/$300/$500 depending upon chosen tier of access.
As a non-profit organization, Billings Mediation Center is a recipient of grant funding from the Montana Justice Foundation. (https://www.facebook.com/Montanajusticefoundation). This grant funding allows scholarships for our annual Fundamentals of Mediation training for those desirous of volunteering with the Conflict Resilience Project once acquiring mediator certification through the Certified Facilitative Mediators Association (CFMA).
A volunteer commitment is not required to access this Skills Lab. For a one-time fee of $300, you can access the monthly virtual Skills Lab from near or afar and debrief recorded mediations with seasoned Certified Mediators and Mediators-In-Training. For a one-time fee of $500, you can access the monthly virtual Skills Lab and observe via Zoom our Conflict Resilience Project mediations.
Based on the tier levels explained at the link shared upon request, please come back to this registration to choose your level of interest and make the required payment. If you are additionally interested in a scholarship for our Annual Fundamentals Training, please select the option below and await the screening process for eligibility.
*A Laptop or Desktop with Quality Access to WiFi is required.
**A Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement is required.
Skills Lab Levels of Access
Please indicate which tier/level of Access you would like and select the appropriate ONE-TIME fee for that Access Level.
Tier A- Approved Scholarship: The Volunteer will commit to two (2) years of continued volunteer mediating as a certified facilitative mediator* with full access to the Conflict Resilience Project and/or mentoring other mediators-in-training. Membership with CFMA within 30 days of Approval of Scholarship Application is required – A yearly expense of $100.
See our Annual Spring Fundamentals of Mediation Training for Approved Scholarship.
Tier B - $100 Access Fee: Volunteer will commit
to one (1) year of continued volunteer mediating as a certified facilitative
mediator* with full access to the Conflict Resilience
Project and/or mentoring other mediators-in-training. Membership
with CFMA within 30 days of Approval of Scholarship Application is required – A
yearly expense of $100.
Tier C - $200 Access Fee: Volunteer will
receive full access to the Conflict Resilience Project to
mediate for the purpose of obtaining Certification. Volunteer does not
commit to continued mediating beyond obtaining certified facilitative mediator* status.
Membership with CFMA within 30 days of Approval of Scholarship Application is
required and to be maintained for the duration of the commitment– A yearly
expense of $100.
Tier D - $300 Access Fee: Volunteer will
receive restricted access to the Skills Lab only. This
restricted access allows scheduled viewing of over 20 hours of recorded
mediation sessions, followed by mandatory debriefing sessions (Min 60 minutes)
via Zoom.
Tier E - $500 Access Fee: Volunteer will receive restricted
access to the Skills Lab and observation status only for Zoom Conflict
Resilience Project mediations. Debriefing Following Mediation is
Skills Lab Debriefing sessions are scheduled 1st Mondays at 6 p.m. (Mountain Time) by Zoom. Parties gave permission to record the mediation sessions for training purposes only. The recorded mediation session is made available up to two weeks prior to a debriefing session to be viewed on the trainee’s own time.
*Certified Facilitative
Mediator (“CFM”) is the certification through Certified Facilitative Mediators
Association (CFMA).